Richard Fu

Zespri Kiwi

My roles and responsibilities included Ideation, Structural Packaging Design and Engineering.

Designing For a New Zespri

Zespri, the world’s leading marketer of kiwifruit, came to us with a project to redesign their packaging containers. With the unveiling of their new branding they wanted us to create something that would help them stand out in the marketplace.

Zespri: The Rebrand

Standing Out By Standing Up

Zepsri considers their kiwifruit the best tasting in the world. They wanted packaging that would help differentiate them in the marketplace and better connect with consumers. We came up with an idea to make the design vertical so that it could literally stand out.

We met with many different departments and contractors at Zespri to better understand the process of how they get the kiwi off the tree and into the hands of the customer. The packaging was designed to fit 1lb of kiwifruit snugly while accounting for the variety of size and count.

We also optimized the design so that it would pack within their existing boxes and system. This ensured an easier transition to the new design. Designing around the same corrugated box used by the growers also means less waste.

The arch-like geometry of the new design allows for the part to be tall and structural. This geometry and smaller footprint also needs 8% less plastic to produce then the old package. This coupled with the use of 100% recycled PET provided a more sustainable solution for Zepsri.

Next Project → Tender Greens
